There was a scene from a childhood Japanese animation that has been engraved into my memory. I do not remember the name nor plot of the movie, but I just remember this one scene as though I was physically a part of it. I was enchanted by the midnight parade of the gods, the floating lanterns of the spirits, the trail of exotic music they left behind, and the way they enticed me to join in. Something about the flashing colors that painted the screen left a vivid impression in my childhood-self, although over the years it was buried behind reality and forgotten.
And recently this scene came flooding back into my mind…

…All because of the Akita Kanto lantern festival.
Japan bursts with energy during summer with the countless festivals that lights up the country. This summer I was lucky enough to experience Akita's Kantou (Bamboo lantern) festival, although I honestly wasn't expecting much. Afterall, Japanese festivals have already become a familiar part of my life, and really, how much more extravagant can it get?

The answer is much more extravagant.
As soon as the lanterns appeared, bobbing alongside the shoulders of the eager performers, I could feel the bubbling excitement within me as I realized this festival will be like no other.

The music flared up, lanterns a flaming red and rose up high up into the sky. It was as though everyone’s breath was sucked away by the million candles, the flames becoming the star of the show. At that moment I felt like I was spirited away.

I felt like I was watching the parade of the spirits, just like the scene that imprinted itself in my mind many years ago. I felt like a part of the procession, the people around me all bursting with excitement and awe. If air was alive and could tremor in excitement, then that night of the Bamboo Festival would be exactly that.

The steady beating of the drums coursed through my veins like a part of my heartbeat. The high whistle of a hundred flutes, all with a different personality mingled together like eager bird calls. The cheers of the people and the roar of the crowd. The night was alive.

It was only after returning to reality do you really start to comprehend the effort behind this parade.
Each bamboo lantern weighed an average of 50kg -- held up by one man. As though this wasn't impressive enough, they alternate between tricks of balancing the pole on one palm, their forehead, or even their hip. It wasn't just about strength but also balance. The weight distribution is distorted with the weight hanging off the center towards to the top, meaning that the weight the performers are burdened with is well over 50kg.

To make matters worse, the wind was extremely strong that day and was blowing the lanterns in all directions. This made a great show for the audience, but a great struggle for the lantern bearers as they ran all over the place to balance the lanterns.
That is not to say that some lanterns did fall; to the distress of the performer but to the delight of the audience. The collapse of a lantern really did make for a dramatic sight. What truly amazed me about the whole ordeal however, is how fast the performers got back on their feet. No matter what happens they continue the performance with the same, if not more, amount of energy.

One time, the wind blew so hard that the bamboo lantern actually snapped; like a crack of lightening demanding our attention. The collapse was so dramatic, and I was overwhelmed with sympathy for the performers that were unable to perform anymore.

…or so I thought.
The supporting performers immediately rushed into action as they miraculously fixed the lantern. They bound the broken pole to a new bamboo, relit all the lanterns, and was performing with the others once again. Their spirit and determination really touched me, and I think this undying drive within all the performers is really what made this festival so fascinating.

The glowing lanterns soaring in the night made for an out-of-the-world scene like that of a passing breeze through a field of wheat. This festival originated from the purpose of praying for good harvest, and seeing it for myself, I can understand why. After all, if the gods where looking down from the sky, these swaying bamboo lanterns would really look like a field of wheat to them.

The overflowing passion of this festival really reminded me of why I love Japan; their efforts to preserve their culture and traditions despite modernization. Akita's Kantou festival is really the voice of the love and respect Japanese people have for their country, and this passion I will never forget.