There is something so fascinating about languages, both the differences and similarities makes language study so fascinating. Language is mutually related to culture and I strongly believe that you cannot learn one without understanding that other. Thus, starts my never-ending journey delving into the realm of languages, forever learning new things and forever rousing up new questions.
My passion for foreign languages started with my love for Japanese. It all started with my love Murakami Haruki and my ambition to one day be able to read his works in the original Japanese version. After all, no matter how accurate the translation, some cultural nuances just can’t be translated.
As my studies expand, my thirst for the unknown has also increased. I hope to be able to further my studies not only in Japanese, but also Chinese and Korean in the near future.
I decided to go vegan in 2019. I was filled with excitement and motivation to embark on this new journey until I realised one problem: I am in Japan.
Don’t get me wrong. Japan is a wonderful country with a rich food culture like no other. Unlike many western countries however, veganism is still not very widespread. This means that not only is there a very limited selection of vegan products, but also majority of the stuff sold at the supermarket contains animal products in some way or another.
As a result, I started to make everything from scratch. This led me to discover the fascinating world of cooking. I discovered the delicacy of whole foods over processed food and now have a newfound passion for experimenting with all kinds of local produce.
I decided to share my recipes on this blog to help other vegans in Japan who may be struggling, as well proving to others that veganism in Japan can also be extremely fun and creative.
I also wanted to introduce the wonderful world of plant-based cuisine to my fellow Japanese friends. It doesn’t seem fair that because of a language barrier, people don’t get access to the amazing resources online that help people adopt a plant-based diet. Hence, I decided to make this a bilingual blog and giving me an opportunity to practice my Japanese (so please excuse the frequent grammar mistakes)